Deborah McManus, Founder
There were two reasons I wanted to found this women’s choir: the first is that I would probably rather die than audition in front of a bunch of strangers. Ridiculous, but true. I figured there was no way I couldn’t be and stay a member if I started the darn thing. The other reason is that I just plain missed making music; it was as if there was a color missing from my life. And of course, there’s the shared beauty of it, the comradeship, the chance to interact with and learn from some really interesting folk and to stand on a stage and thrill an audience (and ourselves).
It was my dream and lucky lucky me, it keeps coming true.
Elizabeth Núñez
Artistic Director
I have always believed that there is no better way to create a community than through choral singing. When Deborah approached me about creating a women’s chorus in 2005, I replied with an enthusiastic YES! Within five minutes of our first rehearsal with just six members, I knew that we were at the start of something wonderful!
Michele Mestman, Founding Pianist
Who could have imagined what this choir of 6 women would become in just a few years? Initially, I was in it for the ride and to have a regular activity. As we grew in size and musical expression, our ability to rise to the increasing challenge was a great source of pride and personal fulfillment. The opportunity to work as an accompanist for SoHarmoniums under the baton of its incredibly gifted conductor helped me improve my skills as a musician and provided wonderful performance opportunities (I finally made my Carnegie Hall debut). I’ve made lasting connections with my Soharmonium sisters and it has been nothing but joyful.